September 12, 2018:  Extending Advance Care Directives — The Dementia Provision

Fall Kickoff Program

Wednesday, September 12, 2018
11:30am – 1:30pm
Bethelem Public Library (Delmar)  Map
451 Delaware Ave, Delmar, NY 12054
(Please note location and time!)(You are welcome to bring a bag lunch.)

Photo of Judith Schwarz

Judith Schwarz, RN, PhD, will discuss the new dementia provision for advance directives created by End of Life Choices New York. The provision (which is available at is designed for those with an early stage of Alzheimer’s or another dementia disease or for those with a significant family history of dementia, who wish to specify their care preferences once their dementia becomes advanced. This new directive will be described in detail, along with the clinical, ethical and potential legal considerations.

When she visited us last year, Judith discussed a legal option to hasten death by voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED). She will review that option again, within the context of providing greater end-of-life choices for those who may wish to use them.

Judith Schwarz has been the Clinical Director of End of Life Choices New York and its predecessor organization, Compassion & Choices of New York, since 2002. She earned a PhD in nursing at New York University. Judith has taught ethics and health care law to nursing students, lectures frequently to professional nursing and palliative care audiences as well as to lay groups, and publishes regularly in professional journals.

The meeting is free and open to the public.

The program slides are available in our library HERE. No program video will be available.

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