Director’s Blog


This page contains links to various writings of the Director, mostly related to medical aid in dying (MAiD). Comments can be sent to

The New York MAiD Bill

★ A Proposal to Improve the Medical Aid in Dying Act: Let’s Restore the Original Definition of Self Determination, September 15, 2024, available as a pdf file HERE.

This paper updates and expands a private memo from September 2023, which made the same proposal. The introductory/summary paragraph presents the basic idea:

New York’s proposed Medical Aid in Dying Act should be improved by abandoning the new definition of self-administration that appeared in 2021 and restoring the original definition that was first introduced in 2016. The new definition restricts the method of administration to be ingestion only. As a result, qualified persons who cannot ingest the medication could not benefit from the law. Restoring the original, unrestrictive, definition would open the door for these persons to receive medical aid in dying.

A compassionate and reasonable proposal!

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